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Whirling Dervishes: Five Sufi Wall Art Paintings

Whirling Dervishes: Five Sufi Wall Art Paintings

The principles of Sufism infused in wall art paintings are the best way to redeem peace and harmony. Sufism has preached love for humanity and intense spiritual progress. We all know art perceives beyond the existing physical image of a thing or phenomenon. From relishing colors to realizing the meaning, paintings possess the power to flip our state of mind. And when wall paintings brim with compassion and affection, your home becomes an abode of tranquillity.

Read about our five Sufi Wall Art paintings that are not only our best sellers but also true to the spirit of Dervish-sentiments.


Dervish in Swoon

Whirling Dervish appears fascinating as they swirl with one hand in the air while the other is directed towards the earth. The hand in the air raises towards the sky to receive the holy grace. At the same time, the other hand towards the earth is a medium to pass on divine beneficence. The movement from left to earth by the dervishes represents embracing the entire humanity with affection. What could stop them from experiencing a swoon soon!

Contextualizing the core concept of the dance, the painting figuratively depicts the motion of accepting encompassing love. Do decor your home with infinite love and compassion!


Rumi Wall Art Whirling Dervish Painting canvas print


Feel the Trance

Often when you repeat an action, either you become mechanical or your awareness increases. In the moment of your heightened awareness, your soul feels ecstatic and beyond the material world. Whirling dervishes while repetitively swirling experience such a state of trance. This painting beholds our senses in a similar way. The enigmatic shades of white and grey with a merging whirling dervish pull us into the deeper realms of our consciousness.


whirling dervish painting sufi wall art canvas print


Tanoura: An Egyptian Aura

The Egyptian version of the Whirling Dervish dance is known as Tanoura. Interestingly, Tanoura means skirt, which inevitably is the primary apparel of this dance form. Notably, the artist has made an effort in representing the magnificent essence of the swirling skirt through rapid brushstrokes. Performed on folk music, the Sufi dance is a treat to the eyes. Bring home the majestic performance to rejuvenate your senses after a long day!


Tanoura Egyption sufi dance painting canvas print


Rumi’s Dance

“When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.”
Rumi’s quotes are appreciated by youth and old because they connect with the soul. Truly quoted, when you perform your deeds with all your heart, devoid of inhibitions, you feel at ease and things happen naturally, Whirling dervishes, gradually, release themselves and perform in a liberated manner. The ecstatic feeling is like a river that moves from top to bottom ceaselessly. 

Let the same river of liberation flow through your home or working space. Consequently, your tiring work will be more of dance instead of exhaustion.


Rumi Wall Art Whirling Dervish Painting

Whirling Dervish Wall Art Painting

The swirling motion of the whirling dervish is a passage towards selflessness. It is the selfless state that is ready to love and spread affection to all.  Sufism has been instrumental in instilling values of equality and compassion; because its primary principle is about the love for humanity over selfish motives.

Our bestseller Whirling Dervish paintings are an aesthetic formula to reinvigorate your spiritual beliefs.
Whirling dervish painting Islamic sufi art
Sufism, although associated with religion, defies hardcore ritualistic and customary activities. Spread throughout the world, the Sufi principles follow various orders and many leaders have cultivated several methods to improve oneself spiritually.  And, the Mevlevi order follows the Whirling Dervish dance sincerely. Moreover, the home that beats with the music of love spreads harmony. Concluding with a beautiful quote by Hazrat Inayat Khan, the Sufi philosopher:

“There are two aspects of individual harmony: the harmony between body and soul, and the harmony between individuals. All the tragedy in the world, in the individual and in the multitude, comes from lack of harmony. And harmony is the best given by producing harmony in one's own life. ”
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